September 2023


The President of Kiribati His Excellency Taneti Maamau hailed the Pacific Theological College as a well-known historical teaching and education institution making immense contributions in the nurturing of students to live good lives. “I acknowledge the contribution of this institution in nurturing people to live good lives especially when the world seems upside down with...
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Rev. Travel Makara is in his first year of the Master of Theology and Ethics programme. He joined PTC from Takamoa Theological College in the Cook Islands.
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The PTC Executive Committee is meeting this morning at the Jovili Meo Mission Centre. This is their third quarterly meeting. The meeting is chaired by the deputy chair of the PTC Executive and Council Rev Dr Epineri Vakadewavosa.
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More than 200 policy makers, educators, university, governments, and religious representatives, including students and ordinary citizens from the centre of Australian politics, Canberra, attended the annual public lecture delivered by the college Principal, the Rev. Professor Dr Upolu Luma Vaai at the Australia National University on the topic “The ‘Whole of Life’ Way: Pasifika Relational...
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Languge bridges and connects cultures. For the four KOICA volunteers that have been learning English through the Personnel Exchange Programme coordinated by the Institute for Mission and Research of PTC, learning English also enabled them to discover more about Fiji. It’s places, peoples, politics, arts, talents, fauna, flora, media, and rich cultures. Twenty eight year...
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This evening the Principal of PTC Rev. Professor Upolu Vaai will deliver the Australian National University Pacific Institute Annual Lecture.
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Our heartiest welcome to Senior Professor Ernst Marais Conradie from the University of Western Cape in South Africa. Professor Conradie is being hosted at the Pacific Theological College while he carries out work in the Pacific. Professor Conradie is giving a lecture on the topic, ‘In God We Trust? Understanding God’s Care in the Context...
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The Pacific Theological College has completed its curriculum development community visits. Curriculum writers spent several days in two village communities in two provinces in Fiji. Rewasau villagers from Nabobuco District, Naitasiri Province in Fiji and Nakoronawa village in Nakasaleka District, Kadavu Province, hosted the writers. They also shared their indigenous knowledge, world views, and philosophies...
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On Saturday 1st July in American Samoa, the Principal of the College, Revd. Prof. Dr Upolu Luma Vaai, delivered the Keynote Address as the chief guest to more than 20 graduates who graduated from the Kanana Fou Theological College in American Samoa. The graduation was attended by the leaders and members of the Congregational Christian...
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