Bachelor of Ecumenism


The new Bachelor of Ecumenism (BE) is a three-year degree programme. The programme is offered by PTC—university transition School of Theology and Ecumenism (SOTE). The courses already been drafted in but may be changed due to the overall programme review and College transition to the University in 2025/2026. This programme is about ecumenism as Pacific churches see it. Basic to this programme of study is the new ecumenical consciousness, an understanding of Pacific ecumenism as the ‘Household of God in the Pacific’, and the relationship of God’s creations within the Pacific household. Focus will also be on the special duty of God’s human creation: the duty of stewardship. The BE Programme may be offered through a blended learning mode (face to face and online).

Programme Description

This programme will take the students through the history of the Pacific ecumenical movement and its historical links to the global movement. It will examine the political, religious and development contextual issues that gave rise to the movement globally and in the Pacific in the 19th and 20th centuries. It will critique these contextual reasons in light of the Pacific churches’ experiences of the movement since the early 1960s. The students will also be immersed into debating and discussing the new ecumenical consciousness by contributing to their own learning through research, active participation in workshops and seminars, and other interactive learning modes, on the spirituality, theology, biblical and missiological aspects of this new ecumenical consciousness. This perspective to learning about Pasifika ecumenism is critical to the Pacific church leaders’ pragmatic new vision of ecumenism as God’s household: ecumenism has much to do with the life and issues of the Pasifika household. Students will explore in greater detail the implications of this new ecumenical consciousness on the key areas in Pacific life: indigenous worldviews and spirituality, stewardship, ecology, politics, gender and development. By the end of their programme study, the students will have gained a better understanding of the new ecumenical consciousness, and its pivotal role in addressing household issues around the region. The title of the degree on the Testamur when a student graduate is “Bachelor of Ecumenism.”

Mode of Delivery: Blended: Online + Face to Face COL

Duration: 3 years Full Time or 6 years Part Time

Level: Equivalent to Pacific Qualification Framework (PQF)/South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (SPATS)/Higher Education Commission Fiji (HECF) level 7

School Name: School of Theology & Ecumenism (SOTE)

Credit Points: 360


  • Pasifika Students: FJD$18,000.00 full programme (3-years)
  • International Students: FJD$35,067.00 full programme (3-years)


Year 1

  • UW100 Introduction to Academic Skills
  • UW101 Pasifika Consciousness in Communicating Change
  • Major 1: BE100 Introduction to History of Ecumenism
  • Major 1: BE101 Introduction to Ecumenism and the Bible
  • Major 1: BE102 Introduction to Ecumenism and Theology
  • Major 1: BE103 Introduction to Ecumenism and Mission

Year 2

  • Major 2: BE200 Pasifika Ecumenism: A New Ecumenical Consciousness
  • Major 2: BE201 ReStorying Ecumenism through Indigenous Spirituality
  • Major 2: BE202 Ecumenism for Ecological Engagement
  • Major 2: BE203 Ecumenism within the Island of Hope

Year 3

  • CL300 Pasifika Ecumenical Approaches to Gender
  • CL301 Ecumenical ReStorying of Climate Change
  • CL302 Ecumenical Advocacy
  • CL303 Renewing National Ecumenism
  • UW300 Graduate Portfolio Profile


  • BE204 Oikos and Human Rights
  • BE205 Ecumenical ReStorying of Regional Development
  • BE206 Pasifika Ecumenical Approaches to Leadership
  • BE207 Ecumenism and Interfaith Engagement

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