Theology & Ethics

The Theology and Ethics Discipline provides advance studies in theology and ethics. The courses design for the Bachelor of Divinity (BD) programme and Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) programme, including research and thesis focus areas at Masters and Doctoral level programmes help to allow and create spaces for Pacific theologians to further reflect on and articulate the Christian faith in the different cultural and historical contexts in the region. Contextualisation of theology within Oceania is a focal endeavour. The courses are used to elicit, encourage, and enhance use of local concepts to articulate the central message of Christianity. The basic framework within which the programme operates is the doctrines of creation and incarnation as well as the current world and regional ethical issues.

Rev Prof Dr Upolu Luma Vaai

Principal and Professor of Theology & Ethics
(+679) 3311100 Ext 1012

PhD (Theology) (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia)
MTheolSt (Brisbane College of Theology, Australia)
BD (Piula Theological College, Samoa)
DipTheol (Piula Theological College, Samoa)
CertTheol (St. John’s Trinity Theological College, Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand)

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Rev Dr Faafetai Aiava

Lecturer and Head of Department of Theology and Ethics /
(+679) 3311100

PhD (Theology) (Pacific Theological College, Fiji)
MTh with Distinction (Pacific Theological College, Fiji)
Bachelor of Theology (Malua Theological College, Samoa)

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Dr Dianne Rayson

Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics
(+679) 3311100

PhD (Theology) (University of Newcastle) 2017
MTh with Distinction (University of Newcastle) 2013
MPH (Curtin)
PGradDip Public Health (Curtin)
BN (Flinders)
Dip App Sci (Nursing) (University of Newcastle)

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Dr Bendanglemla Longkumer

Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics
(+679) 3311100 or (+679) 2350202

D.Th (Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture, Senate of Serampore, India.)
MTh (Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture, Senate of Serampore, India)
BD (Eastern Theological College, Jorhat)
BA (Fazl Ali College, NEHU)

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