

Certificate in Ecological Resilience and Intemerate Accounting   Semester/Year:  Semester 2, 2024. Mode Of Delivery/Location In-person/Suva Learning Hours 450 hours, 12 weeks of learning Credit Points 4 modules, 45 credit points Admission criteria 3-year community experience, Year 12.   This certificate course for pre-degree students is a comprehensive programme designed to provide students with a...
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Renowned scholars in the field of Pasifika and indigenous philosophies and knowledge will facilitate the learning for thirty four students who will participate in the Certificate of Philosophical Competency – Pasifika ‘Whole of Life’ Philosophies, Research, and Development starting July 15 in Suva, Fiji. The two weeks course attracts participants internationally, regionally and locally. The...
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The Pacific Theological College is adding two new schools in the transition to University. The School of Ecology and Resilience Development (SERD) and the School of Pasifika Philosophies Education and Sciences (SPPES) will add to the current School of Theology and Ecumenism (SOTE). PTC Principal, Reverend Professor Dr Upolu Vaai, in his presentation at the...
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The Pacific Theological College (PTC) is delighted to announce the induction into the role of Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics Dr Bendanglemla Longkumer on Friday 16th September 2022 Dr. Bendanglemla Longkumer holds a Doctorate of Theology (D.Th) in Theology from South Asia Theological Research Institute (SATHRI), Senate of Serampore College (University). Her research was...
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The Pacific Theological College (PTC) has inducted into the role of Senior Lecturer in Theology and Ethics Dr Dianne Rayson, who comes to PTC from Australia. Dr Rayson was inducted on Friday 16th September 2022 at a service in the College Chapel that was followed by Tea in the fale. Di Rayson holds a PhD...
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The Pacific Theological College (PTC) has been pleased in recent weeks to welcome back onto the Faculty Rev Dr Afereti Uili, who has returned to Fiji with his wife Samata. Rev Dr Afereti Uili was inducted on Friday 16th September 2022 to be Senior Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew Language at the college, having...
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“Come and experience life and theology with us. Don’t miss being part of the Pacific household of God.” The Pacific Theological College, the first degree offering regional educational institution founded in 1961 and established in 1965, invites applications for enrollment for the 2022 Academic Year. From Certificate to Doctoral (PhD) levels, you can now contact...
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