University Transition


The terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)between the Pacific Theological College (PTC) and the Ohwa Theological School of the United Church of Christ in Pohnpei (UCCP) was presented to and accepted by the church council meeting this morning. Senator Shelton Neth, the church’s board of education chair with the Director Institute for Mission and...
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This week, during our Special Council Meeting, the College launched its PTC Press. This was attended by many dignitaries and guests, including Council members. Rev Professor Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai, the college Principal, highlighted the importance for the Pacific churches to have a press. “First is to publish all research and new thinking that is...
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On Monday this week, PTC launched its Institute for Climate Indigenous Knowledge (ICIK), a radical move to address the climate change crisis. According to the college Principal Rev Professor Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai, who introduced to a packed house attended by Excellencies, faith-based leaders, NGOs, Pacific regional institutions, and heads of educational institutions, the important...
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The Pacific Theological College is adding two new schools in the transition to University. The School of Ecology and Resilience Development (SERD) and the School of Pasifika Philosophies Education and Sciences (SPPES) will add to the current School of Theology and Ecumenism (SOTE). PTC Principal, Reverend Professor Dr Upolu Vaai, in his presentation at the...
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