This week, during our Special Council Meeting, the College launched its PTC Press. This was attended by many dignitaries and guests, including Council members. Rev Professor Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai, the college Principal, highlighted the importance for the Pacific churches to have a press. “First is to publish all research and new thinking that is produced out of PTC. Second is to address the high costs of publications produced by mainstream publishers that cannot be afforded by Pacific people. Third is to assist in branding of PTC as the centre of decolonial approaches and alternative thinking that is justice-driven, sustainable, life-affirming, and ground-up. Forth is to serve the Pacific household by critically articulating its vision and mission for a sustainable future. Fifth is to assist in creating a new story of development under the Pacific household of God vision. One that is communities-based. That is about the ‘whole of life’. That protects our lands, oceans, and peoples. And last is to create a platform that connects and links the college and Pasifika communities, the college and the region, as well as the college and the international community. The first PTC press publication were books by former students of PTC, Rev Dr Tafue Lusama from Tuvalu with a book titled “Vaa Fesokotaki: A Theology of God for a New Oceanian Climate Change Story” and Rev Dr Marie Ropeti from Samoa/NZ with her book “Nafanua Theology: A Samoan-Christian Argument for Women in Ordained Ministry”. Both are available at the PTC bookshop in a cheap price. The Press was launched by PTC visiting professor Dr Andreas Hauser from Basel University in Switzerland.