Pacific Theological College


The 2013 Peacebuilding workshop is currently being run at the Jovili Meo Mission Centre (10 – 28 June). This is the third time this three-week training event takes place. Participants from all over the Pacific learn and practice the theory and practice of conflict analysis, trauma healing, and conflict resolution. Participants may attend for non-credit...
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The launch of the book, “Voices of the People – Perceptions and Preconditions for Democratic Development in Fiji”, took place on 20 February 2013 in the Civic Centre in Suva. The presence of about 300 people including representatives from different government ministries, heads of churches, academics, representatives of businesses, diplomats, representatives of a variety of...
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Starting with the academic year 2012, the redesigned MTh and PgDipl programmes will come into operation. The Postgraduate Diploma in Theological Studies (PgDipl) is now a programme in its own right to which students may apply, or to which they may be referred if their previous studies do not qualify them to enter the MTh...
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Starting with the academic year 2012, the Bachelor of Divinity programme, which is our oldest academic programme, taught since the inception of PTC in 1965, will become more flexible and accessible. We have amalgamated the old BD and BTh programmes to form a single undergraduate degree programme which is available in residence, per distance (managed...
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Beginning with the academic year 2012, PTC switches to a semesterised system to bring it into line with other tertiary education providers in Fiji. Each semester will be divided into two independent blocks, effectively creating four distinct teaching periods. Courses in the BD and MTh programmes will be taught in each of these four new...
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Following a PTC Council resolution, PTC will launch four exciting new Undergraduate Certificate programmes in mid-2012: Social Analysis Peace and Conflict Analysis Counselling Leadership and Management Click here for more information
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Professor Jonathan Lawrence taught Old Testament courses at PTC in September 2011, and wrote up his experience on the website of the Society of Biblical Literature (please click on the link for more information).
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Work on new website design started in 2012. This will make maintenance and flexibility of design more manageable. We plan to ‘go live’ with this new design in early 2013.
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On October 21st 2009, at the Jovili Meo Mission Centre of PTC, Professor Vijay Naidu launched the PTC-producd book “The Pacific Islands at the Beginning of the 21st Century”. Professor Naidu is Head of the School of Government, Development and International Affairs, in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of the South...
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