“Empowering PCU: Teamwork in Transition”

In the next stage of our transition journey toward becoming the Pasifika Communities University (PCU), college staff and faculty convened in Suva, Fiji, last week. During the four-day workshop, they focused on planning for PCU. This included gaining a comprehensive understanding of the educational context in the Pacific, enhancing clarity regarding the structures, systems, policies, financing, and marketing of PCU schools, institutions, and centers. They also explored how these various components of PCU would facilitate the overarching ‘Whole of Life’ vision of the University.

On the second day of the PTC planning meeting, the team engaged in crafting strategies as part of their transition journey towards Pasifika Communities University (PCU). The discussions centered around influencing policy spaces and setting new market trends. The team had the privilege of hearing insights from an expert in policy development and influence, Ms. Emele Duituturaga.

Throughout the PTC planning meeting, the PTC team, along with advisors, diligently contributed to or clarified their perspectives on educational trends, strategies for influence, and the structural elements of Pasifika Communities University. This collaborative effort was integral to the ongoing progression of their transitional journey.