2024 FestPAC Meeting in Hawaii

The Principal of the College is in Hawaii holding meetings with the Chair, Dr. Aaron Sala, and his Hawaii planning committee of the 2024 Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC), the Pacific Community (SPC), heads of institutions such as East West Center, Pacific Islands Development Program, and heads of institutions from within the University of Hawaii such as Hawai’inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, Center for Pacific Islands Studies, and the College of Arts, Languages and Letters: Pacific Islands Studies, on the hosting of the 2nd Pacific Philosophies Conference that will happen as part of the 2024 FestPAC. One of the core visions of this conference, inaugurated in 2018 in Suva, is for Pacific philosophies of life and wellbeing to embed and underpin our national and regional development policies and frameworks. Creating policy foundations that are framed and guided by Pacific ‘whole of life’ philosophies, spiritualities and values, led and driven by Pacific countries and communities themselves, is key to a healthy development focus and the resilience of the region in the midst of geopolitical, economic, ecological, social, and health issues affecting the region.