Developing a Pacific Ecorelational Approach to Climate Change

In this conversation, Reverend Dr. Upolu Luma Vaai, Principal and Professor of Theology and Ethics at Pacific Theological College in Suva Fiji, talks with Kevin Clements and Volker Boege. He outlines the core principles of Pacific ecorelationality and their implications for climate change policies in the Pacific region, advocating for a ‘holistic gaze’ that overcomes anthropocentric understandings of climate change and climate policy. Grounded on this ‘whole of life’ vision, Dr Vaai presents the ideas behind the establishment of the Pasifika Communities University, and the approach it will take to the challenges of climate change, grounded in the traditional knowledge and spiritualities of the grassroot communities in Pacific Island Countries, and he explains the Reweaving the Ecological Mat project, an initiative which is a self-determination strategy aimed at weaving a Pasifika story of hope about genuinely Pasifika approaches to climate change, development, ecology and peace.