World Oceans Day

The PTC Community joined other organizations in Suva, Fiji to celebrate World Oceans Day on June 7.

Remembered with a march along the Suva foreshore, followed by booths and displays, speeches and mangrove planting at My Suva Park, the day demonstrated the ecumenical spirit for protecting a shared resource and identity.

The theme for World Oceans Day 2019 is ‘Gender and Oceans’. At its booth, online through infographics and conversations PTC promoted the theme that ‘World Ocean’s Day’ is everyday because Oceans are God’s gift to all.

The College’s Women’s programme showcased accessories and designer products made from plastics. This maintained the focus of World Oceans Day 2018 which was ‘Preventing plastic pollution and encouraging solutions for healthy oceans.’

‘Reusing plastics into handbags, earrings, pots for plants ensures they don’t end up in the ocean harming that marine environment,’ said Mrs Sosefo Tigarea that led the women’s contingent to the grounds.

The plastics baskets and bags were a major attraction.

Staff from PTC’s Institute of Mission and Research that coordinated the booth promoted the ‘Reweaving the Ecological Mat Project’ that focused on restoring connections with our ecology –that includes healthy, thriving oceans – where Pacific islanders derive a sense of spirituality, identity, and almost everything else.

Fijian Parliamentarian Lynda Tabua

Oceans are central to Pacific islands living being a source of food, livelihoods, culture, identity and the many currents of the Pacific ocean unite the histories and narratives of its seafaring people.

It’s unthinkable to imagine a life without the Pacific Ocean.

Oceans play a major ecosystem role – they are the lungs of the planet, provide oxygen for breathing and a critical part of the biosphere.

World Ocean’s Day is a big reminder to everyone they have a responsibility towards protecting oceans – if they care about the survival of their home – Planet Earth.

For PTC and all Christian communities, it is our duty to God to be good stewards of all that we are blessed with.
